The tree which grown by farmers. One of them has been taken good care by the farmer, he gave water and good fertilizer and protected from all the insects and he did everything in the plant. But the other tree did not get anything from the farmer which grows in the forest. It does get nothing. It gets water only it rains. Though the farmer puts all his efforts to make the tree live. But on one stormy day the plant which has been taken care of the farmer which got good water, good fertilizer and good insecticide fall down by the blow of the storm .But the plant which lived in the forest it does not serve water to grow so it has to expand its root moving it beyond the rocks in search of water that make it stay hold rocks when the storm occurs. Because it never gave up though it did not get the water, but it tried to get water from the nature. Some people are like that they get good enough staff and enough money when they get get everything they start to depend on others, but when they face the problem they can't withstand it. Some people do not get everything they face the huge problem but when you grow without any support you can withstand any kind of situation or problem.
Some people get success in their start of their career with the help of others, but they don't know how the solve the problems they need someone's help. The people who did not get enough support, they try to fix the problem with what they have they tried to adapt to their situation. Like the tree which grow in the forest it expands its roots between the rocks to get water which made them stronger and it helps the tree to withstand how hard the wind was. So don't worry about your problems because they teach how to stay strong. One tree grows in the field, the field is soft, so it does not need to struggle the other tree grows in the forest it has full of hardness so it became stronger. The forest tree does not get enough rain only it gets water in the rainy days it observes that water and survey for other days it does not leave any chance it gets even it observe the dew. We should be like the forest tree it does not leave any opportunity it gets even it's small or big.
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