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Thursday, July 2, 2020


Life is Endless journey. It has many stages which you need travel. When you successfully completed your stage it always gives difficult stages than previous one.

In your life if you reach success definitely there will be another hurdles. When you are in child you might have thought that 50 is the biggest amount but when grown up the amount which you thought the biggest amount is nothing and when you're in teenage you might be thinking the 5,000 is the biggest amount for you after a certain times it change. It happens when you keep on moving in your life.

You may reach your goal successfully in your life. Your life will pave a way toward another goal. Your goal will be kept on changing when you achieve it.

Everyone has a problem in their life but how they faced the problem is a life its endless journey. Keep on moving in your life it may have many hurdles there will be a lot of things you need to experience it. Think in the ways which will make you better for your life.
The goal is not permanent you might have thought that goal is your destination, but it changes when you successfully completed your goal. The new life start with the rising of new goal. Goal is temporary and it changes from one day to another. The life, what you live  is depends only on your journey what you have traveled.


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