The ants will go in a group if there is any obstacle or enemy which made them to die it will send a signal to their group like a smell which represents that they were fighting they lost and gives the precaution to their group that they have to be careful while reaching here that they have been died there is an enemy here so that the remaining ant army will be prepared to face the enemy the thing we have to learn from our antt which that we have to create a path to our followers which will help them to travel successfully in their life.
I think that the ants are think amazing even they die but for past the messages to their group that you have been warned so we have to learn from the and that we have to pause our struggles our goals that what are the goals we had we the embarrassment and the shame which we faced will make our followers to grow strong we no need to push our goals in their mind but we can push our thought that we can never give up we they would have think that their ancestors and their parents have fought like this they have they have never given up even though they fail but they have tried their number of times which will give them new confidence to move their life The thing is whatever we do today is not for ourself it’s for our generation entirely so just like the ants think about it make your child proud that you are never given anything even you fail .
You never given what at least
you have tried and failed .You are the only reason for your growth of your
family or your generation and you are the only reason for their failure think
twice before letting something that you can't you may be there bone or maybe a
boon for your generation or to your followers picture to give them a best
lesson which they have to be proud of your struggle.
- Mr.Nothing
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