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Thursday, November 5, 2020


The girls are similar like the fire. They have the power to heal you  and they can create you or rebuilt you  and they have a power to destroy you. 

Girls are the healer :

If you have the right person in your life they can heal you from the pain, whatever the pain you  may have in your life and They can fill your heart with glory and happiness and they can give will power to win anything which you need. When your stuck in coolest place only the fire can give you a hope to live. Its not just fire it is a source of living     

Girls are the candle:

They  can be candle light, though it small it can give you a hope and the small candle light can help you to overcome the darkness. Like a candle they will melt themselves to give to a light.    If you choose the right person in your life they can bright up your life with light from dark. It can be the light in life forever.

Girls are destroyer :
If you  mislead them they can  destroy you. It will lead the disaster in your life they can give worst pain in your life.

The girls can be  angel or devil. You can make the worst devil as good angel and you can make the good angel as worst devil.

They can good angel and worst devil, it depends on  how you treat them. They can be the light in life forever. They  can protect you, they can heal you and even they  can destroy. But  never underestimate them. 

                                                   ALL THE BEST


Monday, November 2, 2020


The Eagle is the king of the sky. When it rains  all the birds will fly to a nearby tree to avoid the rain, but the Eagle will fly above the clouds to avoid the rain. You may think that eagle is king of the sky, they don't have an enemy, but there is one bird who is considering an eagle has its enemy. 

The crow will hit with its beak on the eagle's neck the eagle has more power than crow. The eagle can break the crow's neck in a single hit with its beak. Normally, all the birds will fight back, but the Eagle will not you do anything. It acts in a manner that it doesn't want to waste is power in simple thing. It just flew above the sky 

It has a power to kill that crow on the sky itself, but that eagle had another plan. When we compare the power of crow is nothing when compared to eagle The Eagle has taken a decision that it will fly higher and higher. When the Eagle starts to fly higher  and higher after a particular limit the crow struggles to breathe because after a certain range normal birds cannot breathe except the eagle so the crow has to give up  or it should died from lack of oxygen. 

The Eagle actually don't want to waste its time and the power and it does not want to prove his powerfulness with the crow. In your life the problem may hit you, just keep on forwarding towards your goal at a particular limit the problem will give up and it will disappear like  snow in a rising Sun. Be like an Eagle know its power, but it don't waste and  it just focuses on its goal. You can be the person like an eagle or you may be the person who stick in the same problem for a long time. The choice is yours?

                                               ALL THE BEST


Sunday, October 25, 2020


Everyone may know the  life of the ant. The ant is  a hard worker and as you known  it  will be working in the summer and it will enjoy the  benefits in winter. But  when the ants  have faced the blocks  in their life, it never try to break that block. Everyone  would have faced the problem in your life. But  the solution for  the problem will differ from one person to another everyone will have different perceptions to resolve the problem.

Everyone has their own perception and their own way to resolve the problem. When you try to  resolve the problem some can resolve the problem or some people may stuck with that problem. Do you ever notice the ants, do you ever think that  what the ant will do, you know what and never try to break the problem when something is blocking its way it's never try to break it, they  just skip it and  try to get a new way so that its life is marching  towards its goal.
When you got a problem in their life. Some peoples try to break a problem  and they may get stuck to it and  few may have capable to break the problem which comes in their life. When they try to break the problem which they face they wasting their  precious time. Some peoples were stuck and they were unable to come up.
 Only few people are like the ant and they don't want to waste their time on the unwanted things. When something is blocks their way they are finding a new way. They are skipping the problem like an ant and marching  toward their goal. You can be the be the brilliant like an ant and or or you can be the person who want to break the block and waste your time. The choice is yours?

                                                      ALL THE BEST


Wednesday, October 7, 2020


The life without problems, it's like a clock running without a needle when you don't have a problem in your life there is nothing.  When the clock doesn't have needles it  cannot show the correct time even its running perfectly without the needle it has no use its similar like it's not running.

 When you don't have a problem in your life  you  won't have  the power  to withstand  and you will be in  lack of  energy.

 When you face the problem in  your life, you will try to overcome that problem. You will become the person who can withstand  similar kind of problem 
 Until  you see new problems which is bigger than previous problem you can handle.

 If you see new problem in life  you can grow your strength. The problem which you face will help you to improve your  thinking power which will be like, you can withstand many problems after facing that problem.

 When you don't have any problem in your life you will be in lack of thinking  and your brain don't want to think. The problem in your life is like the needle in a clock when the problem arises it shows your range

If you didn't  face any insult in your life you would even think about improving your life. The insult which you faced will help to build as a new person with power to handle any problem

When you think something is enough for you then you  stop growing. If you stop grow, you cannot improve your life. Then you will be stuck in your life with no further improvement.

The only person who can help you is yourself. If you want yourself in better place fight with your life and come out with success. If you don't need yourself in a better place you no need fight with your life further you can end your life with nothingThe choice is yours?


Wednesday, September 30, 2020


When you start to travel you may have a much pains in your journey when you have a pain definitely there will be a path. Everyone is moving towards their goal, Life has to move towards a some destiny. In this journey  some may be successful in their life some may may not if they didn't succeed is it mean that they can succeed it which means that they  need some time to build them to reach toward their goal. The only thing which you  need to know is you have believe yourself.  

In the middle of journey some peoples  would have an idea give up when they didn't reach their success. Failure never reaches you until, you have no idea to give up  
Success is not a big deal, when you never give up and  when you believe  yourself  that you can  do it  which means you are incorrect path. Its the own path which will  lead to the success 

Accept the pain and just move forward towards the goal. Never think about the pain that is going to hurt. You might get the pain which can break you into pieces and that pain will make   you think that you  cannot do this anymore. Everything stops when you want to give up. Even if you have a pain and you don't want to give up your struggling and willing to travel  with pain and you want continuing your path with pain towards success

No one can estimate you. The only person who can estimate you is yourself
You can be the person you may be a winner or loser   it comes to you when the person in you want to achieve you can achieve. When the person in you wants to lose you will lose. The choice is yours?

Friday, September 25, 2020


Every bird can fly, but only few birds can travel from one continent  to another continent. Every bird as a wing, but how  when a normal Bird flies for a certain distance if  its wings get tired and it feels the pain in the wings so that the normal bird decides to stop flying and decides to take a rest in the tree which is nearby. 

 When the some special birds which can fly from one continent to another continent from starting of the journey  it has to flap, it's wing and it's never stops till it reaches destiny. In the journey which the bird travel the bird has to go through the open sea the birds wings would give pain like the bones broken for every flapping. In the sea  there is nothing, absolutely only the sea, there is a no place to rest.

 It's wing would give him the several pain birds cannot stop it never stops and it never gives up until until it reaches destiny it is like a do or die if you want to give up it should be dying in the sea which may be the which will lead the  bird has  prey to some fish.

When the special Bird accept the pain and marches  toward that destiny it can reach it has to continue with the pain and the struggle to reach the land but it never stops its flapping feathers it continuous its flight some peoples are like the bird they want to fly from one continent to another continent but when they feel the pain they stops flying. The decisions which they take in a pain it stops their journey. Some people like a special bird they never decisions to stop the journey. If you took decisions to continue even in your pain  it will reach you the victory we can be like a normal bird or like some special Bird the choice is yours?


Monday, August 31, 2020


In your life someone might ignore you at any point due to some reason, maybe due to some person or maybe due to money. They ignore you so you might feel bad. If someone you love truly, deeply, madly, but if that person ignore you which means that they are giving a grant for you to not obey them. They are allowing you to  free which you can do anything.

 If they ignore you, you don't want to think about anyone, you don't need to care about anyone.If someone ignores you, that means they have given you the permission to not obey them not to respect them.Ignore would have torn your trust into pieces which might crack your entire life into nothing. Trust me, when you accept the pain if you want to overcome the pain, you can see your life marching towards new path which has new beginning

In everyone's life some people much like you, but they would have ignored you for the simple reason. It happens to everyone in some  situation. But ignore is just the grant or access. If they just ignore you, you don't need to take care of them. You should go on your way rather than waiting for them.

If someone you respect, then you can ask for suggestion from them for taking the decision, but if someone ignores you, then you can take an action without any delayed because there is no need to stop you. The person who ignore you have given the access or grant to take take your decision by yourself. So just go on in your way.
                                              ALL THE BEST.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Mr.Nothing.

Saturday, August 1, 2020


Rain and success may seem like two unrelated concepts, but bear with me as we explore the intriguing parallels between the two. Just as rain nourishes and sustains life, success brings fulfillment and satisfaction to our endeavors. However, just as the path of rain is unpredictable and varied, the journey to success is unique to each individual and often shrouded in uncertainty.

The Unpredictable Nature of Rain

Rain can be gentle and soothing, or intense and overwhelming. Its path is determined by a complex array of atmospheric conditions, wind patterns, and geographical features. We can forecast rain with varying degrees of accuracy, but we can never pinpoint its exact trajectory or intensity.

The Elusive Path of Success

Similarly, success is a coveted goal that we all strive for, but its path is equally unpredictable. We can set goals, work hard, and make strategic decisions, but the outcome is never guaranteed. Success can be fleeting, and its definition can vary greatly from person to person.

The Importance of Adaptability

Just as we must adapt to the unpredictable nature of rain, we must also be flexible and resilient in our pursuit of success. We must be willing to pivot when circumstances change, to learn from our mistakes, and to capitalize on new opportunities.

The Role of Persistence and Determination

Rain can be relentless, and its persistence can be both a blessing and a curse. Similarly, success often requires persistence and determination. We must be willing to push through challenges, to overcome obstacles, and to stay focused on our goals, even when the journey becomes difficult or uncertain.

The Value of Embracing Uncertainty

Rain reminds us that uncertainty is an inherent part of life. We can't control the weather, and we can't always control the outcome of our efforts. However, we can learn to embrace uncertainty, to see it as an opportunity for growth, and to trust that the journey, not just the destination, is where the real value lies.


Rain and success may seem like disparate concepts, but they share a common thread - the unpredictable nature of their paths. As we navigate the twists and turns of life, we would do well to remember the lessons of rain: adaptability, persistence, determination, and the value of embracing uncertainty. By embracing these principles, we can increase our chances of success, even when the path ahead is unclear.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


The big tree which comes from  the small seed. When the seed grows, it emerge from the soil like it is breaking that soil popping out. When it emerges out. It spread its leaves when it was a small plant it can be eaten by some animals, but once when it struggles and grows as a tree it leaves peacefully.
When it came out of the soil to show its proud and later it became a plant after a lot of struggles it rises up even if someone cut the entire tree, then too it never gives up until its root are still in the soil. 
Even it only has root it is still ready to create it again. Most of us are like the seed we came out of the struggle as a plant. When we be growing successfully if someone broke it, we will try to struggle, then we will become like a tree. But if we lost our confidence, we can't grow up, but when you are strong in your root like that tree in your desire you will grow up whoever may cut you down but still you can grow.

When the root is still alive then it regrows because it never gives up. It starts its journey even when they destroy it to the core, but when the root is still in the soil, it is ready to regrow to rebuild it but never give up. If we have a strong desire in the heart.
When the seed is coming out of the soil and started to struggle till they reach the point as a tree. People may start the journey and they reach as a tree, but when they are fully destroyed, there some people lose their capability to regrow. But some people are like that root when they have a strong desire in the heart, even when they are fully destroyed, they never give up and start to rebuild themselves.The tree never gives up it spreads its seeds around the way and makes the entire land, it's path even if it can't achieve it never gives up so why should we quit.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


The path is which gives a right way to travel when you create a path, don't make any mistake because your son and your grandson is waiting to follow your path so don't lead the way to the failure.Create a greater path which leads you through the throne and stones and you has to struggle to create a path thought it is a difficult journey. If you create a path it will be helpful for many who follows your way.
When you are creating a path you might not know why you are creating it you maybe a selfish.You may be trying to create a history, but your generation is ready to follow you. They are observing how you did it and they want to take you as the role model. So you should give them a good lesson and try hard.

Even if you create a small path to them, they can develop that and travel into that. Only the creator knows the hardest to Create the path.Following it is not for pride, but you are doing your duty. Which is you have to create a path for many people for them you are the inspiration. The path may be a difficult one, but remember if you have created a path it will lead many people to follow you. It will be helpful for their life to fulfill their dreams.Don't stop because of failure if you stop they may not able to continue.

When you create you may have to face many problems and struggles to continue. But remember because you have created a good path they are going to enjoy their days and going to get a good life. So if you stop at some point it is not only a failure for you it is also the failure for the people who are going to follow you in the future.
Your followers may  stuck in a travel show them the right path.

But in the future the struggle will disappear. When they reach you know that they have reached  because of the struggles which you faced because you are the creator just give them a good way which can lead you to success or you have given them a better lesson how you have struggled and it will give them a new inspiration for them to start a journey from where you have left.

Friday, July 24, 2020


Aquarium fish never knows the beauty of the sea.
Aquarium fish doesn't want to move in their life they think their life is in the aquarium. They get food and it lives in temporary happiness it does not get the permanent happiness.It will give the happiness, but it is the fact that it is only a temporary happiness. But the fish which lives in the sea have a good life, even it has struggled, but it has a long way into the big ocean they can travel from one shore to another shore. They can spend their life by travelling and spend their life happily and their life is precious for them.
Some people are like the fishes which lives in the aquarium they don't want to move on they get everything it might seem like a heaven, but when the time comes they have to change or else they won't have time to change when they want to change.

Like the aquarium fish some people are stuck in their lives they have a beautiful future. But in fact, they don't know about the beautiful sea. They are stuck by their personal problems and families and many issues so if you want to achieve something just go ahead.Don't get stuck with the small problems, but everyone has their own problems, but don't let it affect your family nor your passion for something.Because when you stuck because of your family situation or something else by leaving your passion or your dream that means you are one of the aquarium fish. You have to live your entire life in that aquarium. When the people are ready to fight with their struggles you become the fish which lives in the sea so don't give up. You can be the fish in the sea or the fish in the aquarium the choice is yours. All the best.


Monday, July 20, 2020


Only the hardest climb can give you the most beautiful view in life. If you want to see the beautiful view then you have to start climbing harder. The best view comes only after the hardest climb when you start to climb you may feel the pain, but without any struggle you can't get the beautiful view.

Everyone can start the journey, but they can climb the first step easily, but when they reach to the certain height then they lose their hope to travel. When you're going to climb there will be stones and thorn's or it may does not have any path, but then too you have to climb if you want to reach the best view.When you climb you have many trees that you have to grab and many rocks that you have to climb but you have to keep on travelling. You may not have a good path or maybe there will not be a so called path, but you have to climb through rocks.There will be no support for you to hold or any safety measures to prevent you from falling. You might have to travel without any water or food to reach when you feel that the water and food is important for you then you can't climb. You might have taken water with you, but it might not be sufficient for you after a certain time. You may not have water to drink, but you have to face it.

If you want to continue your travel you have to travel without water and food you may have lost your energy, but if you didn't lose your hope you can continue your travel. Many people try to travel, but when they reach a certain limit they exhausted and need water and food and their thinking is different and they can't climb.

When you want to reach to the top of the mountain you need to climb with or without food or water.
If you want to reach to the top of the mountain you have to face hurdles. That's what, why not everyone can travel not everyone can achieve in their life. Some are ready to give up on their life when they face their temporary problems in their life, but when stubborn people face it they never want to quit. Who never want to give up can see the beautiful  view only after the hard climb.


Saturday, July 18, 2020


 In your life you may have a good support in your travel in your life, but in the middle of your life you may lose someone's help in your life. Remember when you through the darkness even your shadow will not follow you even it disappears in a certain point, then how could be someone else can be with you in your life.

 They can support you if you want to achieve something, just try to reach it by your own because no one is ready to help you out.Anything might happen while you are in your journey. If you have someone with you for your support then you might have a fear of losing them, but when you start alone in that place you might not have any fear.

During your travel if you lose them in the middle of the journey you might stop believing in you. You might have believed them that they would support you and helping you to find the whole journey.
Sometimes if they fail to support you, you'll be lost  and you will be stopped. Later, you won't have any confidence to start your journey further, this is what happens when you travel with someone's support. But when you travel alone, you don't need to fear about anything because if you did it with others they can stop you or hold you.So you have to move on without any ones support because even your shadow will disappear when you are dark.


Sunday, July 12, 2020


Life of an Eagle is not easy as we think. Eagle is king of sky it does not get that name easy. It as many struggles and hard path in life.

Everyone might say that if it's rain all the birds find place to hide from the rain, but the eagle will fly above the cloud to prevent the rain. Actually do you know how this Eagle get the power to fly above the sky. Even eagle  life starts with struggling. After a certain time Eagle mother stop will feed young eagle. The young Eagle will starve for food and eagles nest will be too tall from the ground. So the young eagle has two choice its has to die in starve for food or need to take his First Flight. The Eagles nest will be very high it's good to be like on the top of the Mountain or to be like a top of the Thorns trees. Only hope is that they have wings which will make his first flight. After the first flight Eagle knows how to flight.

After 40 years eagle has to take tough decision in his life. It has two choice it is can die without trying, or it has face many struggles. The Eagle has to knock his beak in the rocks Until It Breaks. After a certain time eagle has faced another problem that eagle has to peel his leg nail with his own beak which will be led to bleeding and most painful and without those leg nails eagle can't capture the prey. Then leg nails will grown again. And it has to face another struggle that it has to plug all his feathers which grown at the time of birth its harrowing and it says "My pride comes from my struggles" . The Eagle has take the toughest decision to live up to 30 years and in this some eagle might die because some eagle unable to bare the pain. After the biggest struggles in his life. It gets the pride has king of the sky. Life will be struggling it like do or die. Life begins with the struggle which that Eagle faced will make that Eagle powerful more confident that confident gives the Eagle to fly above the clouds. If we are facing the struggle in life which means one day we can fly in High Like eagle as a king in the sky.


Saturday, July 11, 2020


The tree which grown by farmers. One of them has been taken good care by the farmer, he gave water and good fertilizer and protected from all the insects and he did everything in the plant. But the other tree did not get anything from the farmer which grows in the forest. It does get nothing. It gets water only it rains. Though the farmer puts all his efforts to make the tree live. But on one stormy day the plant which has been taken care of the farmer which got good water, good fertilizer and good insecticide fall down by the blow of the storm .But the plant which lived in the forest it does not serve water to grow so it has to expand its root moving it beyond the rocks in search of water  that make it stay hold rocks when the storm occurs. Because it never gave up though it did not get the water, but it tried to get water from the nature. Some people are like that they get good enough staff and enough money when they get get everything they start to depend on others, but when they face the problem they can't withstand it. Some people do not get everything they face the huge problem but when you grow without any support you can withstand any kind of situation or problem.

Some people get success in their start of their career with the help of others, but they don't know how the solve the problems they need someone's help. The people who did not get enough support, they try to fix the problem with what they have they tried to adapt to their situation. Like the tree which grow in the forest it expands its roots between the rocks to get water which made them stronger and it helps the tree to withstand how hard the wind was. So don't worry about your problems because they teach how to stay strong. One tree grows in the field, the field is soft, so it does not need to struggle the other tree grows in the forest it has full of hardness so it became stronger. The forest tree does not get enough rain only it gets water in the rainy days it observes that water and survey for other days it does not leave any chance it gets even it observe the dew. We should be like the forest tree it does not leave any opportunity it gets even it's small or big.



Life is precious .It can make you  what you want, but for that you have to think what you want to be, your opportunities should be strong like a core, you have to feel that you was born for your desire, When your determination is strong,  you will get way to reach your goals.


You have might have seen a shark in small glass pot and some may seen in sea.what  is the difference? Do you think that difference because  of genes!
You are wrong do you know why small shark which lives in glass pot  is small, it thinks that glass is his world it adapt to it, it enjoys because someone offers the food daily.When we see the sea sharks, it entire world is sea it has a lot of worlds.It has a lot of opportunities.It faces many hurdles; many overcome it became a big sharks.if you face many failures in your life cheer up you are going in a right way.Some may live like a small sharks in your life, just get out of  small pot, hit the oceans. If you do that you been a big shark one day.
Choices is yours you can be anything.



Life is clueless we doesn't known what will happened in the next second in life .Even if we don't have any idea also life wait for none.We have to move forward you may love it or hate it ,Even though we don't known our future we have to walk in our path,You may have your life like walking in thorns or you may have grass in your path

Fog will be dark until you step forward with courage, If you step in with courage the darkness will pave a way that is life.
You should have enough self-confidence and courage, first you should believe you ,no matter even your father or mother or your loved one's may not believe.You should believe you.If you do this you can achieve anything in your life.

You may don't have way to move on, Just have some hope and move on miracle  happens for every one.Hope for the best



  • LIFE: Every living being struggles.Even an ant struggles to survive ,who said ant does not have pain.Ant has courage to fights back.And they knew that they cant win,but they still fight .
  • Life cannot be planned ,And its does not have blue print to move like as you planned.Life is like flooding, its unpredictable.You can live by struggling or you may die in struggling.But your struggles speaks your pride.Be ready to achieve it.

  • Even a grass struggles in soil to live,only pain can make you strong.In a life you may love it or hate it.Be ready to face it with full courage.                                                                              

Saturday, July 4, 2020


The rainbow is beautiful with seven colors it is pretty in the sky, but the rainbow will come only after the storm. If  you  want your life to shine like  a rainbow you have to be ready to face many struggles. The rainbow will raise in a day, it's bright it vary from sunlight, but it gives unique  features of light in the sky.

The rainbow will raise when the sunlight passes through the small particles of water drop. The rainbow will appear only after a storm.If you want a rainbow to shine in your sky you have to be ready to face storms in your life. You have to go through many struggles in your life you may not have anything in your life, but it changes when you never give up. Hope does not come when you have everything in your  life. The hope should like if you have nothing also you should not accept your failure and you have to fight back till you reach your  goal.


Thursday, July 2, 2020


Life is Endless journey. It has many stages which you need travel. When you successfully completed your stage it always gives difficult stages than previous one.

In your life if you reach success definitely there will be another hurdles. When you are in child you might have thought that 50 is the biggest amount but when grown up the amount which you thought the biggest amount is nothing and when you're in teenage you might be thinking the 5,000 is the biggest amount for you after a certain times it change. It happens when you keep on moving in your life.

You may reach your goal successfully in your life. Your life will pave a way toward another goal. Your goal will be kept on changing when you achieve it.

Everyone has a problem in their life but how they faced the problem is a life its endless journey. Keep on moving in your life it may have many hurdles there will be a lot of things you need to experience it. Think in the ways which will make you better for your life.
The goal is not permanent you might have thought that goal is your destination, but it changes when you successfully completed your goal. The new life start with the rising of new goal. Goal is temporary and it changes from one day to another. The life, what you live  is depends only on your journey what you have traveled.


Tuesday, June 30, 2020


The journey is travel about what you need in your life. It has many ups and downs in his way, not every one can understand your journey and do not try to prove yourself to anyone how much struggled you faced, hard work you have done, and how much effort you have putted known only by you is not by the others.
If you are trying to prove something to someone you are insulting yourself. The journey has move with or without some person. You have to believe in you, not in others. You may need little hope from someone when you're in struggles. Small hope from person who believed you can pave way to do what you want.

Journey which you travel in your life will lead a path what you need, but you have to believe it. You have move on until you reach your success. Life is not about your success it's about journey what you have traveled your life. The path of success is always with hard path. If you want to reach success you have to cross the hard path.

You can reach your success if you follow this "My life is not easy, I'm not going to leave it too easy". Never lose your hope. Something will happen to help you believe in it.

                                                                                                                                             -  Mr.Nothing

Thursday, June 25, 2020


The light is source of energy for all the living being. The light gives the beginning in their

life. The sunlight give power for living being in this world. Life is like a sea it is beautiful to see, really it does not have a different story. If you are in the deep sea you can't see any pieces of  land there will be only full water its only color of blue will be surrounded around you. You can't call anyone for help and no one will know where your are? It means you have to struggle every second to live.

There will be full of water but you can't drink that water. If you stuck in deep sea it's not the good place it is surrounded by storms and heavy rain, strong winds. You have struggle a lot to hold your life in a sea with nothing. A person has faced all this struggle in his life, and continuous swimming for three days to save his life. You might think that he is very strong, and he is capable, and you might think that he would have a good stamina but its nothing like that. In the deep blue he saw a small light though it was small light it gave him a hope.

The light came from lighthouse though light was small its visible for long distance. After seeing that light he got hope to live, and he struggles to move, but he was swimming forward to shore though he was exhausted and finally reached the shore. 

What would happen if he might not see that light. He might lose his hope to live, and he might have died in sea itself . Everyone has a struggle in their life, but only few sees the light which gives them a hope. You can be a light for someone in your life. The light which they can see from you will help them to lead their life towards success.

If you want to give the better life to someone you no need to give your wealth or not your money. Just tell them that "You can and I know you will succeed one day." These words which will give them a hope to achieve success in their life. If they succeed in their life, and they did not realize because of you, they had achieved it and do not expect for the credits for what you have done.The light never expects anything from anyone , its just shines and expects nothing.

Let you be light in someone's life.


If You Can Understand the Problem