In this world has many stone,But not every stones become diamond.The stone which bears heat of volcanic eruptions.One day will be most valuable diamond.Even the stone has struggles,When we bear the heat of the struggles , failures ,But keep on moving in your way .The struggle you face will make you harder.One day you are going to glitter like a diamond.
Even an iron ore is treated with heat, Do you why when we get an iron crust from earth, it's not hard and it worth for nothing, When heated iron ore is iron is extracted from ore then becomes strong iron, Never give up, when you face struggles, its like heating the ore, one day you will be extracted from failure and negative vibes and you will be achieving success
Every one may say that you are losing, if you lose a wealth you are a loser in this world. if you lost everything in your life, no one will be ready to help you. If a fighter in you is still alive nothing is over. Everything will begin when you ready to fight back.
Nothing is over when you are still breathing
Remember "Nothing is over when you are still breathing".You can try again and again until you feel you have achieved it.